Blue Ribbon Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram

Feb 10, 2023

The spark plugs in your Chrysler are very busy car parts. Firing off hundreds of times every minute at anywhere from 12,000 to 45,000 volts is an impressive feat. But this heavy usage eventually wears all plugs down, and other engine problems can sometimes accelerate a plug’s decline. Let’s look at how long you can expect your plugs to last and when to visit your nearest Chrysler dealer for replacements.

How Often Should You Replace Your Car’s Spark Plugs?

30,000 to 50,000 Miles for Copper and Nickel 

Most drivers use plugs made from copper or nickel. Nickel plugs tend to be more heat resistant than copper plugs, but copper plugs tend to have better conductivity. Both types generally last for 30,000 to 50,000 miles, which is about three or four years for the average driver.

100,000 to 150,000 Miles for Platinum or Iridium

Plugs made from platinum or iridium are superior to copper or nickel plugs. These materials are harder with a higher melting point. The fact that they can run hotter makes them more resistant to fouling, as they can burn away a good deal of carbon deposits.

These types of plugs usually last between 100,000 and 150,000 miles. Iridium plugs tend to be slightly more durable and long-lasting than platinum plugs.

Conditions That Can Ruin Your Plugs Sooner 

Anything that interferes with the fuel-air mixture inside the engine’s combustion chambers will cause harm to the plugs. When the inflow or oxygen becomes restricted by a clogged air filter or faulty catalytic converter, an excess of fuel is created that starts to leave a sooty residue on the plugs.

This buildup of residue fouls the plugs, causing misfiring and shortening their lifespans. Dirty fuel injectors or excessive idling can also cause this kind of fouling. Foreign objects that make their way into the cylinders can also damage plugs, as can worn-out pistons that reach too far and start bumping the plug.

Signs of Malfunctioning Plugs

When plugs become fouled or damaged, they start misfiring. Your engine will begin to cough and sputter and idle roughly. You’ll lose engine power and acceleration.

Your fuel economy will also rapidly fall. You might even start stalling and have trouble starting your engine up again.

Ask Your Chrysler Dealer To Clean Your Plugs

Unless the electrode has burned out or the plug casing has cracked, you can often recover a fouled plug. A technician might be able to clean away deposits with a wire brush and special plug-cleaner spray.

While checking your plugs, they can also clean out the inside of the combustion chamber. And they can resolve the underlying problems that caused the fouling in the first place.

Have your plugs inspected, cleaned, or replaced today at Blue Ribbon Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM. We’re a full-service dealership offering an excellent range of vehicles and services to our customers.