Blue Ribbon Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram

Sep 16, 2022

On a hot summer’s day in Sallisaw, OK, heading out for a refreshing swim is a popular activity. With the Arkansas River running south of the town and several swimming facilities in the area, there’s no shortish of options for water-loving locals and visitors to enjoy. The next time you’re looking for somewhere to cool down, pile the kids into the car and check out one of the following four locations.

1. Tenkiller State Park Pool

After testing out the off-roading capabilities of your new Jeep Cherokee in the nearby state park, swing by the Lake Tenkiller State Park Pool to cool off. The complex underwent a major renovation in 2016 and now features water cannons, slides, a dumping bucket, and a host of other water activities for all ages. Located about 20 miles from the Sallisaw town center, the complex is a fun and safe water experience that the whole family can enjoy.

2. Sallisaw Municipal Pool

The local Municipal Pool is another popular location enjoyed by the locals over the summer months. It represents an affordable option for most families, with admission just $3 per person or $50 for a family of four seasonal pass. Located on the northeast corner of Redwood and Elm, the pool is closed Mondays and open 1100 to 1730 Tuesday through Friday, Saturday 1300 to 1945, and Sunday 1300 to 1700 over the summer months.

3. Applegate Cove

Just eight miles south of Sallisaw is Applegate Cove and its swim beaches. The cove is situated on the Arkansas River, which is a popular destination not only for swimmers but boating enthusiasts, kayakers, hikers, and those that enjoy a spot of fishing. One of the added advantages of visiting this area is the option of making a weekend of it, with a number of camping sites available. 

4. Brushy Lake State Park

With the lake offering four miles of coastline, Brushy Lake State Park has plenty of quiet spots for a quick dip over the summer months. For the more adventurous, the lake is also a great spot for water-skiing. For those wishing to take advantage of the summer day, the park has a number of picnic areas on the shores of the lake and plenty of hiking trails that take in the natural beauty of the area.
Water lovers won’t be disappointed with what the town and surrounding area have to offer when it comes to spending time in the water during the hot days in summer. If you’re looking to arrive at your water destination in a stylish new vehicle, give the helpful team at Blue Ribbon Auto Group a call today.